About us

Be aware, live consciously, awaken your dormant energy centres, heart and spirit. Empower yourself to empower and heal others.

Vishuddhi Isha Yoga & Ayurveda

Learn Yoga and Ayurveda with Vishuddhi Isha Yoga
Vishuddhi Isha Yoga is an institution teaching and promoting holistic healing and Vedic sciences like Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology. We offer a wide range of courses that includes Hatha, Yin Yoga, Yoga Therapy and Kundalini Yoga Teachers Training Course in India accredited to Yoga Alliance international (YAI), We also offer other intensive Yoga and Ayurveda residential courses. We have lately launched our Online Yoga and Ayurveda courses. Vishuddhi Isha Yoga Conducts Yoga Ayurveda courses in India (Goa) mostly in the winter months (January, February and March) and months of July and October every year.
Vishuddhi Isha Yoga & Ayurveda is a holistic healing approach to Yoga and Ayurveda, which has its foundations in the ancient Hatha, Kundalini and Tantric traditions. When it comes to Ayurveda, we have endeavoured for so many years to design the Ayurveda courses for easy comprehension by the people of the present era and times. The prominent feature is presenting complex techniques concepts and methods in simplified structured way for students so that they can not only learn but also apply them easily in their lives. These practices are designed to awaken each disciple to their higher conscious nature. They offer a combination of asanas (physical yogic postures), pranayama (Yogic breaths), kriya, meditation, and mantra chanting within our Yoga sessions. They increase strength, build vitality and create mental clarity. Our Ayurveda courses introduce any beginner to Ayurveda as lifestyle, medicine and healing therapy and more curious ones get a chance to learn more advanced concepts, of diet nutrition and herbalism.
Vishuddhi Isha Yoga serves students and teachers at every level of experience and transformational process. For the beginner, it provides a complete structured program and potent pathway to personal and spiritual development. For the seasoned practitioner and teachers, it offers an advanced user’s manual and instructional guide for grooming skillset to another professional level. We do have a dedicated and devoted team of teachers, trainers and therapists who have been studying and teaching Yoga and other Vedic Science disciplines for many years under the direction of the enlightened and awakened spiritual masters. They understand the requirements of the students and curious learners who are seeking the intervention and teachings of the genuine Vedic teachers and learn from authentic Yoga institutions in India.
Over the years, Visuddhi Isha Yoga has established its own unique position by offering quality Yoga Ayurveda trainings, health solutions in consultations and retreat packages to the people from all parts of the globe. We are deeply passionate about spiritual and cultural exchange of East and West through our Yoga and Ayurveda Courses. Now with our newly launched Online Yoga courses and Online Ayurveda courses, we have expanded our reach further to most parts of the globe for educating people of all linguistic abilities and geographical locations, we are working persistently with the mission of spreading the Vedic Yogic Ayurveda culture and life lifestyle to all parts of the world. We strongly believe Yoga will reach to millions of people across the globe to transform their hearts, minds and self in the times to come and we are fortunate to be the humble volunteers and proud propagators of the same in the present.


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Our Vision & Goal

The vision of Vishuddhi Yoga is to design and deliver simple, effective and relevant training courses for the serious modern Yoga aspirants & enthusiasts who are deeply interested to realize the essence of true self Knowledge and depth of divine holistic Vedic sciences. Keeping the academic pursuit on the topmost priority, we are equally compassionate for alleviating the physical, mental, emotional sufferings and pains all around us. We are committed in providing affordable and simple holistic health solutions through Yoga and Ayurveda health consultations with our comprehensive Yoga Ayurveda Holistic Health consultations.

Why Vishuddhi Isha Yoga was created?

We are determined to promote the holistic concept of health and living all over the world as we strongly think that the root cause of all our problems and sufferings is not conditions outside but what happens inside and how we attain the balance of mind, body and our self within without trying to change anything outside around us. We want to help people realise their full potential through spiritual awakening and conscious living. We wish people to be healthier, happier and harmonious free from diseases, disorders and miseries.

Om Shanti!!

Explore spirituality with us !

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