Join us and work as an affiliate partner of Vishuddhi Isha Yoga & Ayurveda

We invite you to join Vishuddhi Isha Yoga and contribute in propagate the goals and mission of VIY to masses and people within your network.

We would like to offer you a lucrative medium of income by becoming our affiliate partner where you sell, promote and market our courses, services and products using our affiliate portal account.

You can become a third-party affiliate to generate traffic or leads for the company’s products and services through your social media handles and affiliate VIY account.

You can directly sell courses, services and products through your affiliate account and run marketing and advertising campaigns for promoting VIY’s events and website.  

The third-party affiliates shall be earning the commission fee and incentives based on the slabs. Monthly settlements would be done promptly for incentives based on the commission slabs and percentages.

You will get an opportunity to generate a steady source of income for yourself and your family by selling, promoting and marketing our courses.

You would find opportunities to collaborate with us for future workshops, residential Yoga and Ayurveda courses, joint events at our venue in North Goa, India.   

Who can join our Affiliate Partner Program?

You should be ideally, working in the health, wellness professions including Yoga, Ayurveda, Holistic Healing, or enthusiastic about living and promoting Yogic lifestyle.

You are already a Yoga Ayurveda teacher with an established practice, existing network and work place in your country.

You should be someone who believes in the mission and goals of VIY and interested to associate with us for promoting, marketing and advertising courses and services of VIY through our Affiliate Marketing Portal.

You are an aspiring Yoga teacher and might wish to collaborate with VIY for hosting joint training programs with Vishuddhi Isha Yoga’s teachers and team at North Goa venue in India.

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