You are what you eat: Eat like a Yogi not Like a Bhogi!!! A diet that is wholly conducive to the practice of Yoga and spiritual progress is known as the “Ayurveda Diet.” This Ayurveda Diet has an intimate connection …
What is Mind? Mind is not only daily made, but hourly made. It’s ever changing,in every minute it changes its colour and shape like a chameleon. It is very unsteady (Chanchalam and Asthiram). The mind has a peculiar habit of …
The most important benefits of yogais physical and mental therapy. The aging process, which is largely an artificial condition caused mainly by auto-intoxication or self-poisoning, can be slowed down by practicing yoga. By keeping the body clean, flexible, and well-lubricated, …
Yoga practice can be started by anyone at any age group. Yoga welcomes everyone irrespective of your age, flexibility, fitness, or weight. Normally, it’s a misconception in the minds of people that yoga is meant for fit and flexible individuals. …
Health is not just freedom from disease. For good health, the joints, tissues, muscles, cells, nerves, glands, and each system of the body must be in a state of perfect balance and harmony. Yoga therapy plays a crucial role in …
Yoga is good as it can be practiced by anyone at any age. It is equally good for the children, young and oldies at the same time. When compared to other weight loss exercises such aerobics or strength training, which are …
Condition and Causes Lower Back Pain is experienced by everyone at one point or another. It is the second most common reason for people to visit specialist doctors, topmost for chiropractors, middle age deformities and movement crisis before 50s. The …
History of Yoga The Yoga as we know today was developed as a part of the Tantric civilization which existed in all parts of India and few other parts of the world thousands of years ago. Ancient remnants have been …
Kriyas are a set of exercises done in a particular sequence to work on a specific theme. There are a wide range of Kriyas available, each refined over thousands of years to optimize their effectiveness. Kriyas utilize all the available …
The mind is like a wheel which revolves endlessly with tremendous velocity. It generates new thoughts with every revolution. This wheel is set in motion by the vibration of psychic Prana or subtle Prana. The practice of Pranayama and Meditation …