About Pradip krishnaa

Hi, I am Pradip krishnaa

A Yoga teacher, Ayurveda trainer, Therapist, Vedic Astrologer, Mystic & Lead teacher of Vishuddhi Isha Yoga & Ayurveda. I am committed to bring lasting changes in people’s lives through my knowledge, gifts and healing abilities. My mission is to educate and inspire, to share ancient Yogic and Ayurveda methods and techniques, to heal and mitigate people’s sufferings on all levels through my teaching, courses and healing therapies.

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About Pradip Krishnaa

I live and teach here at beautiful city called Goa, India on the southern western coasts of India. I teach you how to use the yogic practices to awaken the dormant and unused, creative life force Kundalini within.
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I help you create that yogic discipline, practice routine and spiritual mindset that support you to deal with the challenges of work, relationships, and family with positivity and spiritual wisdom. I guide you to go beyond your conditioned mind and experience the magnificence of pure being and the true self.

The practices of Yoga and Ayurveda dates back to thousands of years in past, having the time tested methodology which has transformed lives of millions of people in some way or the other. When one decides to learn, practice and dive seriously into the vast oceans of Vedic Sciences then the key to unlock the prisons of human’s mind (ignorance and darkness) is found with the advent of the wisdom of light or the true right knowledge. My goal is to teach and impart the true right knowledge to my students. My teachings are drawn out of the ancient Indian Gurukul system of learning Yoga, teachings of my masters and my own direct experience over the years.
I have invented nothing new but I am just a medium to propagate the precious knowledge and experiences of enlightened seers, yogis and awakened truth seekers. I offer clear and precise practices restructured and simplified for the modern masses being delivered in ways which are in accordance with the scientific and time proven Yoga Ayurveda techniques.
I am grateful to the divine who has chosen me to carry forward this spiritual mission. I teach because I feel a deeper urge to empower people with spiritual yogic wisdom and practices. I teach as I feel responsible to spread if I have a treasure within myself and my soul. I teach as I feel motivated and blissful while making a positive difference in people’s life and I feel blessed to be on this path.


I was born and raised in a normal middle class struggling family in an Indian town of Prayagraj, a spiritual and holy city in North India where three rivers converge forming a holy trinity. So my birth place was a special place indeed. Adding to that, I was born on the full moon day on holy Hindu festival called Holi, festival of colors, love and positivity. So I got some strong spiritual birth footprints astrologically. However, I soon realized that my biggest trial and tribulations were about to start where I took birth, my own family where I struggled with my parents and siblings and was emotionally cornered most of the times. After facing one crisis after the other and incessant struggles on emotional and mental levels till adolescent, I developed deeper questions about my life and the purpose of the same. I always believed that I was born to do something extraordinary where I raise and transform people’s lives in some way but I was still lost and struggling with my own mind.
All these failures in the materialistic world which can be termed as a serial disaster, I felt a great disconnect at times with the outer world. All these experiences shaped my inner desire to live peacefully, to nurture love, and to support deeper connection on all levels.
I learnt from various teachers since then. I have visited, volunteered and taught in different Yoga Ayurveda schools within India and abroad and my journey as a teacher began almost 12 years ago which is still continuing.
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I realized that in order to become a change for others, I need to change
myself first.

I needed to first release all those traumas, bitter memories of childhood and negative self-defeating subconscious patterns of my own mind. I needed to liberate myself first to help others liberate. We need to be the change itself to change the world. This deeper desire to transform my own self took me to different spiritual books and masters which truly helped me to cleanse and grow higher spiritually. My ow life has been a hard taskmaster and also a great learning classroom for me. Though, I am a teacher and mentor but I am still learning as how learning can ever stop for humans.

Hari Om tat sat!

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