Tantra Yoga For Better Healthcare

Tantra Yoga: The Mind-Body Connection in Sexual Energy
Yoga is a path and way of living. As mostly misunderstood by people, Yoga is being considered as one form of the physical exercise only to keep your body fit and healthy. Contrary to that Yoga not only helps in keeping your body fit but also your mind which is the root cause of all the deficiencies and discrepancies. As we all know, all our desires and thoughts originate in our mind and then mind gives instructions to our body to be prepared for the the action to fulfill those desires. All the physiological and bio chemical changes taking place in the body is actually triggered by the mind. Initiation of sexual desires and passion find their place in the mind initially. The mind then triggers the series of bio chemical changes through hormonal release in the blood stream that increases the flow of blood towards the sexual organs. The heart starts pumping fast to meet the need of increased circulation and body prepares for the more exciting things to come. It all happens smoothly and rapidly in the stages. The increased blood flow into the sexual organs results in different physiological and biological changes in an individual. Additionally, Tantra Yoga, an integral aspect of Yoga, explores the connection between the mind and body in profound ways, focusing on the transformative power of inner energy and consciousness to enhance both physical and spiritual well-being.
Tantra Yoga: The Fusion of Body and Spirit
The sexual act, which is a way of expressing intimate love and emotions between two opposite polarities, male and female, is nothing but an act of union. Yoga has its roots in Tantra Yoga, which deals with channelizing your sexual energy lying in the Muladhara chakra to be unleashed and rise in the body of the Yogi for the supreme ecstasy and blissful experience. Tantra Yoga is a path of Yoga that first helps you to understand your body and its sexual energies. The deep subtle understanding of your desires and passion helps you to channelize your energy properly for a deep, highly satisfying sexual experience with your partner. The heightened sexual experience gives ultimate bliss and satisfaction. The next stage is to move beyond the passions and utilize that energy for further spiritual enlightenment. It’s quite unfortunate that the knowledge of Tantra Yoga has been understood only through the prism of sexuality and its heightened experience and nothing more. There’s nothing wrong with using ancient tantric yogic techniques to relish the fruits of exalted passions, but it would be quite inappropriate on the part of the Tantric Yogi to stop there. However, there’s nothing wrong in using these techniques for providing hope to sexually deprived and dissatisfied people in the form of therapy. After all, what’s the benefit of pumping in those strong chemicals into the bloodstream for increasing libido and performance with so many potential fatal side effects? Our body is not chemical after all!!
Yoga considers sex an ordinary function of life just like many other function which is necessary to maintain an affectionate relationship and also necessary for the persistence of human race on earth. In fact, Yoga can actually help increasing sexual powers of an individual like it helps in any other physical and mental deficiency. Your sexual power and performance is nothing different than the overall state of your body. If your mind and body are working at an optimum state then your sexual functions would also follow the same.
Yogic Postures and Pranayama facilitate in creating that balanced optimum state of the body and mind where both work together to keep all the organs and bodily systems in perfect equilibrium. Sexual function and performance improve when all vital parameters are working as desired normally. Sexual hormones are released in the normal quantities at the perfect time to create the enhanced sexual experience. Tantra Yoga, with its focus on harnessing and channeling sexual energy, has turned out to be the most effective remedy for diseases that have their origin in the mind, low self-esteem, and psychological imbalances. Poor sexual drive and performance, in most cases, are linked to the above reasons rather than deficiencies in the body. Mind is the originator, not the body.
Yogic Asanas help in improving the flexibility of joints, muscles, and build the core strength of all the muscle groups. The most beneficial effect comes in the form of free-flowing prana (vital life force), which circulates freely as all the blockages are removed with the continuous practice of Yogic Postures with proper breathing. The blood circulation increases and more pure oxygenated blood reaches the genitals on time. The synchronization between the mental and physical arousal is perfectly achieved, and the problems related to erectile dysfunctions, poor erections, and premature ejaculation in males become things of the past. All this and more happens gradually with regular Yogic Asana practice specifically aimed to achieve the purpose. Integrating Tantra Yoga into your practice can further enhance these benefits by deepening your understanding and control of sexual energy, promoting overall well-being and harmony.
The Pranayama practice stabilizes the mind through breath control, and the biggest enemy of sex, in the form of anxiety and nervousness, is gone. You are more in control as you know how to pace your arousal and performance. The result is a more prolonged, fulfilling, and deep sexual experience for you and your partner. More emphasis is given in directing the prana towards the lower abdomen region and sexual organs. Tantra Yoga plays a crucial role here, as it guides you in harnessing and channeling sexual energy effectively. Guided visualization and imagery also help in creating powerful sexual imaginations in the mind, which are slowly directed towards the correct zones of the body. Integrating Tantra Yoga into your practice can enhance these benefits, leading to a more profound connection and control over your sexual energy.
Yogic asana sequence for Improved Sexual vigor and performance:
- Start with slow deep yogic breathing ( 5 min)
- Sun salutations ( 3 rounds complete)
- Shavasana
- Standing Asana: Uttansana, Padangusthasana, Uthitha Traikonasana, Padouttanasana
- Froward bends: Pachimottasana, Janurshirshasana, Purvottanasana
- Seated Poses: Badhhakonasana, Gomukhaasana, Padmasana
- Back Bends: Bhujangasana, Ustrasana, Urdhwa Dhanurasana
- Spinal Twist: ArdhaMatsyendra asana 1,
- Mahamuudra, Pasaasana, Dwipada Vipareet dandasana
- Inversions: Shirshasana, Sarvangsana and cycle
- Closing Sequence: Setubandhasana, Matsyaasana
- Passive relaxation: Shavasana ( 10 Min)
- Udiyaan Bandha
- Nadishodhan with inhalation retention
The above sequence, if practiced properly under a supervision of the qualified Yoga teacher, would no doubt remove all sexual deficiencies within a period of 2 to 3 months. The additional benefits are renewed vigor and stamina, improved digestion and muscle tone.
As Yoga is holistic, it gives you 20 when you ask for 2 in terms of benefits. Anyone who practices can certify it. Yoga is all about experience. You’ve got to do it to know it. Benefits are listless. Let’s start with one! To begin your journey, consider joining our online Yoga classes and experience the transformative power of Yoga from the comfort of your home.
Om Tat Sat!!