Terms & Conditions

Social Media Content Sharing

Vishuddhi Isha Yoga ( VIY)  will be taking pictures of various classes, sessions, and activities along with the teachers-students present at those times. This is for our various publications (print and electronic media).

We respect each person’s privacy and hence if anyone has any objection to be captured in the frame, please feel free to step aside/outside of the camera frame and inform their respective coordinators.

Payment Terms

Registration Payment Plan for Residential, Online Courses and Consultations:

To be paid fully online.

Outstanding or Pending Payments:   Students will pay the remaining amount if any dues left on the arrival day without any excuse for not carrying cash etc. You are being informed in advance so kindly make arrangements accordingly. Remaining payment if any will be accepted only in cash in Euros, Indian Rupees (after currency conversion for the fixed spot rate for the day you paid online) or USD (Spot exchange rates applicable for the date of first online payment).

Spot Exchange Rates:   The day you make first booking payment online for registration, same exchange rates for respective foreign currency exchange would be locked for cash or online payments later on the future dates.

Inclusions for residential Courses:

Course Tuition fee

Course Study manuals/ Ebooks of the course

Any Promo Discount offers (if applicable at the time of joining or enrolling)


Flight to India, train / bus ticket / taxi, etc.

Airport Pick up and Drop

Accommodation and meals

Yoga mat / new yoga mats (available in our school at market price 800= 1500 Rupees (10 – 14 Euros))

Refunds and Cancellations Terms

All Yoga and Ayurveda Residential Courses in Goa

In any case, course online registration fee is not refundable whether you cancel before arriving or cancel after arriving for any reason whatsoever. However, in extenuating circumstances, such as bereavement or serious illness, the course can be deferred to a later date within one-year period, subject to availability and deferral fee within 60 days of initial enrolment. The registration fee cannot be transferred to any other friend or your known participant. There would be deferral charges of 350 Euros that need to be paid, once the course starts. No deferral fee applicable if you do it before the commencement of the course being enrolled for.

After arrival

(Applicable only for all full time Yoga TTC & Ayurveda Residential Courses)

Online registration fee is not refundable in any circumstance.

Full refund of remaining balance fee after online registration payment fee deduction if you cancel within 24 hrs of course starting day

25 percent deductions from the remaining balance payment within first 3 days’ period of the course.

No refund after 3 days of the course starting date.

Any charges pertaining to accommodation and meals if applicable and paid shall be deducted in full for the entire program duration. The refunds shall be adjusted only from the tuition fee out of the total package payment.

Online Yoga Ayurveda courses and Online Consultations (HHC and Vedic Astrology)

No refund after payment of online course and registration.

In all cases and situations, students and applicants must intimate us on time. Final decision would be of Vishuddhi Isha Yoga’s Director and Team management. Refund and cancellations request shall be processed as per the stated rules here and exceptions would be the sole discretion of the VIY’s director. We request you to read all the terms and conditions here carefully before enrolling.

 Cancellation by us:   In case of cancellation done from Vishuddhi Isha Yoga due to unavoidable circumstances then we would refund the full 100% course fee or booking registration amount after normal deductions in the form of nominal bank transfer & currency exchange charges.

Course and Service Delivery Terms:

All Residential/Online Yoga and Ayurveda courses and other consultation services would be delivered and released only after the fulfilment of the payment of the online registration amount in part or full based on the course selection and invoice. Also the course and commencement of services shall be intimated to the clients on emails after the completion of their registration and payment formalities. All Online Courses and Services shall be delivered only after the full payment of the said courses and services as being invoiced. Write us for further clarifications and queries.

Code of Conduct & Rules

  • Be regular and punctual in classes
  • Wear decent and appropriate dress suitable for Yoga Practice, preferably white and light colors. Flashy, body revealing and exposing outfits are not allowed to wear in the Yoga school and classroom premises
  • Kindly don’t sit with other reference books in the class and focus on learning from the concerned teachers. Use references for additional supplementation only in the free time later
  • Practice asanas and pranayama either empty stomach or at least 4 hours after the last meal
  • In case of any sickness during the course, report to the teachers immediately
  • Narcotic drugs, liquors and smoking are not allowed during the course or in the Yoga school’s premises. We have zero tolerance policy for using these prohibited things in the school’s premises
  • We recommend you to consume saatvic vegetarian diet during the course
  • Do not talk irrelevant during the class. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Express freely but don’t interrupt and stop others or teachers
  • Be friendly and cooperative with other teachers, staff and trainees
  • All sessions are compulsory. In case of frequent leaves from the class, institution might now allow the student to attempt for the final certification exam. Kindly give valid reasons for not being in the class. No repetitions will be taken for the absentees. This is an intensive short course and there’s no scope of repetitions for absentees. Although, institution doesn’t mind arranging extra repeat sessions on Saturday for doubts and confusions especially for the sincere and devoted students if there’s a time, scope and feasibility
  • If trainee is found to be irregular with classes and at the same time found to be undisciplined, the institution reserves the right for not awarding the certificate after repeated warnings. In extreme cases admission can be cancelled without any explanation. Payment for this course goes to tuition fee, accommodation and other resources that Yoga school is spending on student and their registration. It doesn’t mean that you can be certified just by joining, attending classes and making payments. We are not selling education and no one is deemed to buy it cheaply
  • In case of any unavoidable circumstances arising on part of the student, the student can discontinue the course only in emergency situations. Approval has to be sanctioned from the institution beforehand by submitting valid reasons. Course fee shall not be refunded, however they can come back in the next available schedules within next 12 months to complete the course, if approved to do so by the institution and the director
  • Certificates will be issued only after the successful completion of the course as per the standards set by the institution
  • Course fee is not refundable, once paid after the commencement of the course. Kindly read payment and refund terms on the payment terms page carefully
  • Rules and Regulations will be informed to the students’ right from the beginning. Rules & Regulations sheet will have to be signed by the students on the first day in person and also online during the online registration. If you refuse to sign, then Yoga school would not allow you to be a part of the classes and courses any further
  • Exams will comprise of testing your overall knowledge of the concepts and practical. Exams would include written 2 -3 hrs pen and paper. Detailed paper and practical in the classroom setup. Grades & Certification would be given based on your performance in the class, written exam, discipline, and personal attitude and Yoga ethics

•In case of any dispute, all appeals and legal proceedings would be undertaken at Goa and Indian Jurisdiction and courts only

Evaluation and Certification

Your admission to this course does not guarantee a certificate. You will be evaluated by your teaching practicums, behaviour, progress, and full attendance. You must pass the course as per the standards of the Vishuddhi Isha Yoga for the course completion and final certification.

General Health Condition

 Any health-related advice and suggestions given at Vishuddhi Isha Yoga should not be used for diagnosing purposes or be substituted for medical advice.

Always consult your doctor or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health. Consult your physician before changing your diet, starting an exercise (yoga) program.

It is the sole responsibility of the students/participants to consult a physician prior to and regarding their participation in the programmes offered by The Yoga Institute.

Students/participants are responsible for their own well-being during the class and are advised to practice at their own pace, understanding their limitations. Students/participants are required to inform their teacher if there have been any changes in their medical / health condition which might affect their participation.

 Pregnant Students/Participants

Our classes, by default, are not suitable for pregnant students/participants, except the Pregnancy Camp. If any student/participant is pregnant and wishes to participate in any other programme they are necessarily required to discuss their options.


Vishuddhi Isha Yoga does not provide liability claims or insurance for the protection of children, parents, visitors, or others who may participate in any of our programmes and courses.

In consideration for their participation in any programme, the participants do hereby release and forever discharge Vishuddhi Isha Yoga and its directors, teachers, office bearers, and employees, jointly and severally from any and all actions, causes of actions, claims and demands for, upon or by reason of any damage, loss or injury, which hereafter may be sustained by participating in any of our programmes. This release extends and applies to, and also covers and includes, all unknown, unforeseen, unanticipated and unsuspected injuries, damages, loss and liability and the consequences thereof, as well as those now disclosed and known to exist.

Reference and Course Material

Students/participants may be given handouts, notes and reading material during their participation in our programmes. These are for the personal use of the students/participants only and cannot be circulated, distributed, printed, exploited, exhibited, transmitted, reproduced, broadcasted, adapted or posted in any public domain. Any such use shall amount to infringement of copyright and shall be dealt with strictly.

Teaching material is the sole ownership of Vishuddi Isha Yoga and will not be shared.

Students are not allowed to take photos or videos during classes.


Contact Us

 If you have any questions about our Terms and Conditions, please contact us at info@vishudhiyogaayurveda.com

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