Develop your true inner potential and set out for a transformative journey with Vishuddhi Isha Yoga's exclusive online yoga courses

The great thing about Ayurveda is that its treatments always yield side benefits, not side effects 

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Unique Features of our Online Yoga Courses

Interactive Learning

Engage with highly-skilled Indian Yoga teachers in real-time through live doubt-clearing and study sessions.


 Our self-paced program fits seamlessly into your lifestyle and schedule, allowing you to progress at your own pace

Comprehensive Curriculum

Dive deep into Kundalini Yoga and explore the profound teachings of Yoga philosophy.

Practical Experience

Immerse yourself in the tranquillity of North Goa, where our physical yoga school has nurtured dedicated students. Join us for practical study modules here at our Yoga school

Holistic Transformation

Our online yoga courses cover core modules designed to enhance self-awareness and overall well-being

Yoga from Home

Whether you're a busy professional, a devoted parent, or a student, experience the benefits of yoga from the comfort of your home

Professional Certification

Obtain your yoga certification online and join our community of sincere seekers on the path to spiritual growth

Emphasis on Tradition

Our school of Yoga and Ayurveda upholds values of commitment, discipline, and academic interaction, ensuring an authentic and immersive and holistic experience

Cost-Effective Learning

Dive into a treasure trove of knowledge with pre-recorded video tutorials curated by our expert instructors, available to all registered students

Accessible Anywhere

Now, even if you can't travel to India or commit to in-person classes, you can explore the depths of ancient Vedic Sciences, Yoga, and Ayurveda from the comfort of your home.

Flexible & Personalized

Our virtual classrooms offer flexibility and personalization, empowering you to delve deep into these ancient practices at your own pace and on your own terms.

Support Your Journey

Whether you're a busy professional, a devoted parent, or simply curious, our online Yoga certification program is designed to accommodate your needs and nurture your path to self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Join Vishuddhi Isha Yoga today and embrace an unparalleled learning experience that’s both unique, value based and authentic. Start your journey towards a more enlightened and harmonious you!!

Online Yoga Courses: A Preview

Join us today and take the first step towards unveiling the ancient wisdom of Yoga through our self-paced online Yoga courses. Your journey awaits, right at home.

  • Ancient yogic wisdom unveiled
  • Understand the path to enlightenment: Yoga Philosophy
  • Core principles explored: Patanjali Yoga Sutras
  • Understand diverse yoga paths
  • Self-paced flexible online learning
  • Option to have live interactive sessions with Pradip krishnaa
  • 13 Video tutorials
  • 12 hours of life transforming spiritual discourses
  • Certificate of completion
  • Email support
  • Ongoing mentorship and support
  • Understand Kriya Kundalini Yoga d
  • Uself-paced flexible learning
  • Option to have live Interactive sessions with Pradip krishnaa
  • 16 video tutorials
  • 15 hours of life transforming spiritual discourses
  • Certificate of completion
  • Email support
  • Ongoing mentorship and support
  • Comprehensive curriculum
  • Yoga Alliance Certification
  • Self-paced flexible online learning mode
  • Expert teachers & instructions
  • Authentic classic Indian form of yoga
  • Live online sessions and video tutorials
  • Case studies and assignments
  • Practical internship and volunteering opportunities
  • Holistic learning approach
  • Email support
  • Ongoing mentorship and support
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Who can join our Certified Online Yoga Courses?

  1. You have a prior experience with yoga but have a deeper desire to take it to the next level, but lack the knowledge and discipline and time to do practices that help you balancing yourself and finding your true inner self.
  2. You have a desire of going deeper into a yogic mind-set, but you lack the time to go outside your home for classes on a regular basis
  3. You have a desire and need to learn from experienced, skilled and awakened Indian teachers trained in the ancient Vedic tradition of Hatha, Kriya Kundalini Yoga and Philosophy but unable to commit time and money to travel and do residential courses for now
  4. You don’t find such teachers and courses in the country and city you live but can commit studying online with all the flexibilities and cost benefits it provide
  5. You are striving to be a professional yoga teacher studying online in your free time with flexible schedule

Live Online Yoga Courses

Combo Coupons

For Online Yoga and Ayurveda Courses

► COUPON CODE: OC30 Purchase online courses of minimum worth $250 and get 30% less.

► COUPON CODE: OC35 Purchase online courses of minimum worth $350 and get 35% less.

For Online Courses & Consultations

► COUPON CODE: GETMAX35 Purchase Online Products of minimum $350 and get 35% less (Applicable on Online Yoga and Ayurveda Courses, HHC and Vedic Astrology Consultations).

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Online Yoga Courses

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